Present in Art

Sex story to sex story

Sex story to Sex story

Creator: WONG Wai Yim 
Date and time: Friday May, 24
Time: 8pm - 9:30pm
Venue: 1A Space, Cattle Depot Artist Village, To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong
Curated by Daniel Kurjakovic
I think it rains

download PDF Silver Golden Silence Speech (eng version)

download PDF Silver Golden Silence Speech 銀_金_沈默_雄辯_羅拉 (chinese version)

The 8th story of "Sex story to sex story" from Wai Yim WONG on Vimeo.


Everyone has his/her stories. We all want to tell others our stories. Hong Kong has the look of an international and multicultural city, but the artist felt a different mood that she never felt in any other place: a strong depression about sex. She created a series of works with this idea: “A story to a story”, “Murmur”, “Sex toy workshop”. And the last one of the series: “A sex story for a sex story”.

The project welcomes people from different backgrounds, from different cultures, and different sexual orientations to exchange their sex stories 
in Hong Kong! Domestic helpers? Pakistani workers? Foreign exchange-students? Native Hong Kongers? Do you like to exchange your sex experience?
You are invited to participate and bring one true sex experience, to exchange with another participant. 
We will exchange ours, which is of the same nature as yours, with you.?What stories to bring??1. Your most _________ sex experience in Hong Kong.

For example, the happiest? /the saddest? /the weirdest experience? /the thing which you regret most /the worthless? /the most expensive? 
Each story would last about 5 minutes.

Drinks and snacks will be served. A cameramen will videotape the exchange and the images will be projected on a wall in real-time during the event. (The audience will not hear the sound as the conversation will appear only as a subtitle.)
The copyright “Sex story to a sex story” belongs to WONG Wai Yim.

每個人都有一個故事,每個人都想說出自己的故事。香港看來是個是個多元文化的社會,不同國籍的人住在此地。但香港對性 的壓抑及保守,比其他城市更甚。 於是藝術家以此為題材,創作了一系列的作品:“A story to a story”,“Murmur”,“Sex toy workshop”,現在來到完結篇 “Sex Story to a sex story”。

希望不同界別, 不同國籍,不同性取向的人士站出來,交換她/他們在香港 的性故事。外籍傭工?巴籍工人?外地交換生?本地人?她/他們在港生活的性經驗是怎樣的?

參加者帶同一個真實的最__的性經驗來交換。例如:生命中最愉悅/最奇怪/最搞笑/最貴/最__的性 經驗?


“Sex story to a sex story”版權屬於黃 懷琰所有。

download PDF Silver Golden Silence Speech (eng version)

download PDF Silver Golden Silence Speech 銀_金_沈默_雄辯_羅拉 (chinese version)


Producer: Ariom Leung.
Assistant: Kenny To.
Cameraman: Ariom Leung, Donald Kwok, Fish Lee.
Photographer: Alan Yau.
Translator: Florence Ng, Philippe Charmes, Miu miu, etc.
Receptionist: Timothy Kwok, Philippe Charmes.